Apteum was founded in 2023. Initially created to provide operational support for their growing architecture and construction businesses, Ewert Leaf and Landchecker quickly realised they had a talent acquisition service that could benefit companies across Australia and the world. Our collaboration with Apteum aimed to establish a robust foundation for partnerships and growth. We meticulously crafted their tone of voice, developed a brand identity and a website that resonates authentically with their audience - positioning them as a business that deeply understands their customers’ needs.
Tone of voice
Web Design

“A belated thank you for all you work with Apteum this year – we really enjoyed working with you.”
Adam Gandolfo, Apteum Co-founder
Adam Gandolfo, Apteum Co-founder

“Thanks, we are all really pleased with the brand book and appreciate all the work which went into it.”
Bonnie Langdon, Apteum CEO
Bonnie Langdon, Apteum CEO